I spend alot of time with the elderly. "Hey, where ya goin' in such a hurry? You young kids! Always rushin' around... I don't understand it!" I hear these frequently.
They ask a fair question, I think. Where are we going, in such a hurry? Do we even know? Or are we just moving along, doing what's so expected of us? We're making a living, for the most part. But I've noticed we even 'rush' to have fun, too. Like it will get away from us if we don't hurry.
"Vacation was great! I had to get back to work so I can rest, though." How many times have you heard that one? (I do believe there's some truth in that statement!)
Makes me wonder what will happen when the pace picks up even more. And the pace will pick up, make no mistake. As we become better 'multitaskers' and become more 'multipurpose' -- we'll be performing more tasks. Of course, the whole idea is to perform more tasks in a shorter amount of time. Leaving more time for even more tasks or purposes, lol.
Where are you headed, dear friend? And are you happy with your journey?
I've been brought to a screeching halt several times in my life by unexpected events. Who knows if I would have stopped on my own. But each time, I did take time to rethink my life. My activities, my money, how I earn my money. Was I content with my journey? Was I even happy? Or was I simply doing what those around me were doing? I prefer being deliberate. Purposeful (for my own life first, then for my employer.)
Have you ever sensed that you're not on track? It might start with a vague uneasiness about how you're *spending* your life -- your money -- your time -- your energy? If so, something's knockin' on your door. Go ahead. Open that door just a bit. Give it some attention. See where it takes you.
Is your present journey taking you where you want to go?